Besides my partners and and the occasional cheese sandwich, nothing gives me more joy than connecting with people and helping them succeed.

It is my intention to help as many people as I can discover and reach their goals in life, by living honestly and with intent.

I will listen as an unbiased third party and will use my ability as a devil’s advocate to help you see all sides of issues that may be holding you back so that you can conquer them, armed with as much information as we can grasp together.

I will be as inclusive, intersectional, and as non-judgmental as I can be. When I make mistakes I will listen and learn from them and work hard to admit and own my privilege.

I will open my doors wide to everyone who needs to be heard including, but not limited to, the queer community, sex workers, the disabled, and the trans community.

I will discuss sliding scale rates for those with lower income requirements when possible and work towards a solution that is beneficial for both of us.

I will not pretend to know the answer when I don’t and will instead make sure that we can figure it out together as a team.

I will not judge or mislead you in a direction you are opposed to.

I will make sure you are accountable for your actions and push you to move past things that hold you back.

I will share my life experiences with you as examples, only to give you a different perspective not because I think I am right. It is my belief that doing things on our own is great, but doing things in a team can be life changing.

I want to help you make your life the best that it can be. I want your relationships to flourish, your sexuality to soar, and your career to inspire you. I want you to feel good about your body, your brain, and your inner beauty.

This is my plan and I look forward to sharing it with you.